Mindfulness Meets Real Life — Divine Dining

Conscious Eating- Mindful Ways to Navigate the Holiday Season

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Conscious Eating- Mindful Ways to Navigate the Holiday Season

“Be one with the food”…that is what I always tell my children, when they are shoveling their dinner.  Conscious eating is about  being completely aware of the act of eating. It is not the shoveling or mindless stuffing of one’s face.  When we are fully engaged in the process of eating- we can deeply experience the tastes, sensations, and aromas.  When you bring a Conscious Eating habit to your life; you’ll be kinder to your digestive system and you won’t overeat.  You’ll be in tune with your body and stop when full.  If you aren’t ready to make the whole transformation of your eating habits, then try it with a snack or  a light meal.  Food can become a spiritual experience, when it is approached from a mindful perspective. 

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7 Principles of The Divine Dining Method

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7 Principles of The Divine Dining Method

7 Principles of The Divine Dining Method ~

Many people struggle with mindless and unconscious eating. If you are challenged with making healthy choices and want to have a deeper understanding of emotional eating; The Divine Dining Method helps you to understand your individual patterns.   Easy steps to develop and enhance mindful eating practices.  In order to get where you want to go, it's important to begin where you are.

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3 Easy Steps for Mindful Eating~ The Divine Dining Method

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3 Easy Steps for Mindful Eating~  The Divine Dining Method

How often do you listen to your body? Do you consistently make food choices that are not aligned with your intentions of living a more healthy lifestyle? 

I’ll admit, that I’ve struggled with food issues for most of my life.  I’ve always used food as a reward to make myself feel better.  But, like most behaviors that are not physically or emotionally healthy- I knew something needed to change.

As the founder of the Living Lotus Group and a Transformational Life Coach who helps people to align with the life they want, I studied various ways of personal development.  One of the recurring themes with the clients I worked with was always about people not living in alignment with their thinking and their behavior.     What this means is that people who say they want to eat more healthy foods, yet .

I created the Divine Dining Method back in 2008 and began teaching workshops to help people who struggle with food issues to learn conscious and mindful ways to eat- so they learn to have a healthier attitude toward eating. 

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Make Food Your Friend: Create a Happy and Healthy Relationship with Food...For Good!

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Make Food Your Friend: Create a Happy and Healthy Relationship with Food...For Good!

Divine Dining~ Conscious Eating Program Are you ready to transform the way you eat? Are you ready to try something radically different? Are you ready to release your struggles with food?  You are invited to step into a wonderful relationship with food; and learn how to make healthy and positive choices....read on....  Early on in my career, I was immersed in the study of consciousness and how to train the mind.  People would approach me and ask me to guide them in using Mindfulness as a tool; especially when it comes to food. Thus, I created Divine Dining in 2008...

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5 Quickest Ways to Shift Your Relationship with Food


5 Quickest Ways to Shift Your Relationship with Food

 I’ve been teaching Divine Dining since 2008 and it has always been remarkable to me how some people have an intense love/hate relationship with food.  When you think about it, we all need to eat to stay alive and to stay healthy.  Sometimes our intentions don’t quite match up with our desires and there is where the problems lie.  Let me explain.  Our intention is to have a healthy body, yet we eat foods that are not healthy for us.  While the reasons behind this can run very deep; it all comes down to following a few simple steps.  ...

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