Mindfulness Meets Real Life — MEDITATION
5 Steps to a Stress Free Holiday
AFFIRMATIONS Giving Back Gratitude Inspiration INSPIRATIONS life coaching Master Your Energy Mastery MEDITATION Meditations Mindfulness Motivation Newsletter PRODUCTS Services Shop News Transformation wellbeing

“Be still for a moment. Let your mind settle down. Connect with your inner self and simply allow yourself to be. Bring your awareness to the fact that you are connected to everything and everyone. When you feel the body gently relax, set your intention to be open to loving what is in your life. This means to have an open heart for the challenges and the lessons as well as all the joy. By accepting everything as it is in this moment in time- we release the struggles.” ― Catherine Epstein 🎁🎁🎁 Even in...
My Holiday Wish
AFFIRMATIONS Giving Back Gratitude Inspiration INSPIRATIONS life coaching Master Your Energy Mastery MEDITATION Meditations Mindful Eating Mindfulness Motivation Newsletter PRODUCTS Purchase with a Purpose Self-Study Course Services Shop News Transformation wellbeing

"I asked for strength and God gave me difficulties to make me strong. I asked for wisdom and God gave me problems to learn to solve. I asked for prosperity and God gave me a brain and brawn to work. I asked for courage and God gave me dangers to overcome. I asked for love and God gave me people to help. I asked for favours and God gave me opportunities. I received nothing I wanted. I received everything I needed." — Hazrat Inayat Khan, The Soul of Money by Lynne Twist 🎁🎁🎁🎁 December 2024! It's my Birthday Month and I'm...
Happy Giving Thanks Day
AFFIRMATIONS Giving Back Gratitude Inspiration INSPIRATIONS life coaching Master Your Energy Mastery MEDITATION Mindful Eating Mindfulness Motivation Newsletter PRODUCTS Self-Study Course Services Shop News Transformation wellbeing

"Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” ~ William Arthur Ward 🍂🍂🍂 Short and Sweet is my motto for this week! Let me take a moment to wish you all a very Happy Giving Thanks Day~ wherever you are and whomever you're with. This is an important time of the year where we begin to take stock of how far we've come and if we've lived according to the plans we had set back in January. And, as you assess the year~ take...
Your Superpower
AFFIRMATIONS Giving Back Gratitude Inspiration INSPIRATIONS life coaching Master Your Energy Mastery MEDITATION Meditations Mindfulness Motivation Newsletter PRODUCTS Self-Study Course Services Shop News Transformation wellbeing

"You are a light that cannot darken. You are a soul that shines through. You are the eternal amid the moment. You are awakening. You are LOVE " ~ Craig Crippen 💖💖💖 When it comes down to it, LOVE is your superpower. Surprise! 😎 It's a simple and eternal truth. And, it's amazing that we forget this! (don't worry, I forget it too!) Every day, I ask - "how can I serve?" and then I watch what plays out in my life... Sometimes I get a new...
Be the Light
AFFIRMATIONS Giving Back Gratitude Inspiration INSPIRATIONS life coaching Master Your Energy Mastery MEDITATION Meditations Mindfulness Motivation Newsletter PRODUCTS Services Shop News Transformation wellbeing

“Here's to the bridge-builders, the hand-holders, the light-bringers, those extraordinary souls wrapped in ordinary lives who quietly weave threads of humanity into an inhumane world. They are the unsung heroes in a world at war with itself. They are the whisperers of hope that peace is possible. Look for them in this present darkness. Light your candle with their flame. And then go. Build bridges. Hold hands. Bring light to a dark and desperate world. Be the hero you are looking for. Peace is possible. It begins with us.” ― L.R. Knost ☮☮☮ I won't...