Step Into Your Power- NOW!

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“The time to Step Into Your Power is NOW”


This past week has brought some wonderful clients and I'm noticing a theme.


Both my Reiki and Coaching clients are struggling with personal power.


(Examples: giving away too much power, not standing in their power,)


When you think about it, Power is a funny thing-

when we spend too much time worrrying about the future, our power is diluted. Same when we are ruminating over the past.


Here's what I mean:


When I was young, I was a people pleaser. I stayed quiet


in most situations, and I did not speak my truth. Although I wanted to be bold and daring, I constantly gave away my power- to keep the peace.


Even as a young adult, navigating my way through the corporate world and new relationships, I found myself firmly entrenched in old patterns.


"keep quiet, don't make waves, lay low, operate under the radar"


I thought these behaviors kept me safe, but really it only served to tamp down my authentic voice and not live to my full potential.


Fast forward to now: As a spiritual seeker; and empowerment coach for many years, I have done massive amounts of work on myself.


The "work" still continues.

My favorite quote: "I AM a work in progress, as long as I work on myself, I will progress."


It's not been an easy road, but one that has deepened my commitment to myself and to the clients I serve.


As we continue to clear away the fog from this past year- many people are reaching out to me to find ways to get them Back on Track.

It's exciting to me to continue to share my passion for helping people and to provide them with the tools to make positive changes in their lives.

This week I'm here to encourage you to Step Into Your Power- and do the one thing you've been needing to do. (but maybe have avoided)

Step out of your own way, and back into your POWER!

That's it.


What makes you come alive?

What makes your heart sing and fills you with joy?

Let your heart show you the answers-

I leave you with this question:

What one thing can you do to take back your power?




Wishing you a great week where you walk with

Power, Peace, Presence and Purpose!

love, cathie

💥PS: Try this 8 minute meditation! It's my free gift to you -

Click HERE===>8 Minute Meditation


Ready for a deeper level ?

Try this low cost 21 Day Meditation Training: Click HERE


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