How to Tame an Overactive Mind

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"Calmness of the mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom." ~James Allen                                                                                                                                                           
Here's a cool visioning exercise I like to do with my clients....
Grab a journal and let's go!
When your brain is on overload and you have fifty things you are trying to attend to at once....
Take out a piece of paper and write everything down. All the things you need to take care of. Do a "brain dump." 
Now, take a look at your list and pick the top 3 things that you can do in the next 24 hours. For larger items, sometimes it helps to break things down into smaller tasks. Looking at the larger list, ask what tasks can you delegate?  
Most of all, listen to how you speak to yourself. 
Many people I know aren't very kind or compassionate with themselves. Are you one of them?
Many people I speak to say that they know what their blocks are~ but they still can't seem to get out of their own way
 If this sounds like you, read on: 
Are you ready to move beyond your self-imposed limits and have:

AND, if you're really ready to make the changes in your life:

contact me here: 

 All Love, All Ways,

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