Awaken YOUR Intuition- 10 Steps to Strengthen Your Inner Knowing

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Awakening YOUR Intuition- 10 Steps to strengthen your inner knowing

 One of the most powerful things you can do in your life is to learn to TRUST YOUR INTUITION.

Choosing to believe in yourself and learn to trust your inner yearnings, callings and the things that tug at your heart is the most wonderful course of action and a grounded way to live your life.  It requires you to act from the place of power within. And, not adhering to others opinions of you.

BUT intuition is like a muscle; in order to become stronger; it needs to be utilized and strengthened on a steady basis.


What's the one thing you have to do to begin to strengthen that inner knowing muscle?


You have to believe in yourself first


So, how do you learn to access, strengthen and awaken your intuition?

Start with these 10 steps:

  1. Commit: Make a commitment to yourself that you are ready to awaken your intuition.
  2. Develop Awareness:  be aware of your thoughts, feelings and emotions on a deeper level.  (without judgment)  
  3.  Learn to act on your first impulse - catch it quick before the thinking mind takes over)  Let's use the menu example
  4.  Choose to believe in yourself! Put yourself number 1 and that is to stand in alignment with your higher self.
  5. Listen to the quality/tone of the inner voice. The intuitive "voice" is soft and gentle, the critic is usually harsh or "I should" or "I have to"
  6. Follow Your Energy:  What lifts you up? What drains you?
  7. Follow your impulses (without being impulsive)
  8. Listen to your gut (literally) notice how your body feels when contemplating a choice or a decision.
  9. Pay attention to flashes of insight or hunches- if you think of calling someone, reach out and do it.  
  10. TRUST IT- If someone or something feels off, trust your gut


When you really become aligned with your intuition and trust it more fully- you'll be able to make better decisions, have better relationships, have more trust in yourself, and ultimately have confidence to take control of your life and make better choices.

You'll be tapped into your inner knowing and you'll be following your guidance with full faith and trust.

One caveat; along the way- you'll learn some lessons (some hard ) BUT, stay committed to yourself.  



Love you all!  ~cathie

ps:  Connect with me here at 

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