Life Gems- Rules to Live By

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Life Gems- Rules to Live By

“Let the vision in your heart be your life’s blueprint.”

~Og Mandino

Life Gems- Rules to Live by. Like you, I’ve been a student of life for a while now.  I’ve read many self-help books and have many more waiting to be read. I’m a lover of life and philosophy, human nature and all things that help to solve the mysteries of the Universe. 

Like you, I’m overwhelmed and find there aren’t enough hours in the day to do all the things I want to achieve!

As a Transformational Life Coach, I’ve worked with countless numbers of people (mainly women) who have wanted to make major changes in their lives; but they don’t know where to begin.  I do find that having structure and focus is the first step in reigning in all of the outer distractions.

It was fun putting together this list of Life Gems –Words to live by. Sometimes it good to be reminded of things that are common sense, but not always commonly practiced.

EnJOY!            ~cathie



  • Count Your Blessings (Even when it’s tough. Especially when it’s tough)
  • Go above and beyond what’s expected of you. (Go the extra mile)
  • Don’t Quit (Turn your mistakes into lessons)
  • Look for the good in everyone you meet. (Share your best self)
  • Focus on the positive (Be aware of your thoughts)
  • Be humble (Let your actions speak louder than your words)
  • Treat every day like a gift (Use it wisely)
  • Clear away clutter and end distractions (spend your time wisely)
  • Live every day as if it were your last (what would you do differently?)
  • Treat everyone as if they matter (make eye contact)
  • Laugh at yourself and life (Be lighthearted)
  • Attend to the details (Don’t neglect the little things)
  • Be focused on the bigger picture (Hold the highest vision for your life)
  • Greet every day with a smile (Say THANK YOU when you first wake up)
  • Be focused on the bigger picture/goal (Take one day at a time)
  • Don’t allow negativity to pull you down (Guard your energy)
  • Search for the seed of goodness (Look for the positive in any situation)
  • Happiness and Peace lie within You (Find it and nurture it)
  • Be Patient (nothing external can have any power over you)
  • Always be larger than your problems (Believe in your abilities)
  • Live Simply
  • Take time for yourself every day (even if it is just 5 minutes)  



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