How to Navigate this World

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If you've been struggling about the news, the state of the world or your life in general...take heed.
This has not been an easy time for many and although some people are out living their best life- (I mean, just look at instagram or Facebook).
There are many folks are feeling anxiety and helpless about the future, and the world at large.
I'm not going to gloss over it and tell you to put your fingers in your ears and "lalalala" your way... that's not the way through this.
I'm all for feeling your feelings.
Write about it, sing, paint, try interpretive dance. Whatever you need to express your feelings and emotions, and not to numb out .
Feel it all, then gather up your energy- and focus on 1 thing you can do. ✔Donate to a cause you believe in, ✔reach out to a friend, ✔buy food for the local pantry, ✔plant a tree---
in other words--take action.
Understand that it can seem like the world is falling apart, and indeed- there are parts that are breaking down.
But, even if the task feels daunting (and I know it does)- there is something you can do.
I know that I can't save the world alone,- right the wrongs and overcome the evils of humanity.
What I DO know is that when we focus our energy on creating better systems, helping to find solutions, and taking steps together- we can move toward great changes.
Start with focused prayer.- ask for guidance and to be shown your next step. Don't discount that thought that floats in and says- "buy extra food for the food pantry"
Pay attention to your inner guidance and follow the thread- no matter how insignificant it seems.
As I said a few months ago, "Do small things with great love"
Put the energy out into the world of love, connection, community and peace. These are the vibes that can help to transcend the illusion.
Make no mistake, I'm not asking to pretend that everything is hunky dory. I AM asking for you to acknowledge that the world is in turmoil- and let yourself have feelings about that....just don't dwell there.
We need you, the world needs you.
Tap into your peaceful center and radiate it out into the world.
What conscious choices can you make this week?
I can't give you inner peace, but I CAN help you find it within yourself.
love, cathie

💥PS: Try this 8 minute meditation! It's my free gift to you -
Click HERE===>8 Minute Meditation
Ready for a deeper level ? Try this low cost 21 Day Meditation Training: Click HERE
 "Catherine has a wonderful gift that she has skillfully developed. Her simplicity and power is a rare combination. She has a beautiful way of letting you do your own work and adding in support when needed. Her insights were right on and her suggestions will be easy to implement in that beautiful, subtle way that fosters the big changes. "  
"She’s a life changing life saver y’all - life is short- get happy !" 

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