Divine Dining- Conscious Eating



“Be one with the food”…that is what I always tell my children, when they are shoveling their dinner.  Conscious eating is about  being completely aware of the act of eating. It is not the shoveling or mindless stuffing of one’s face.  When we are fully engaged in the process of eating- we can deeply experience the tastes, sensations, and aromas.  When you bring a Conscious Eating habit to your life; you’ll be kinder to your digestive system and you won’t overeat.  You’ll be in tune with your body and stop when full.  If you aren’t ready to make the whole transformation of your eating habits, then try it with a snack or  a light meal.  Food can become a spiritual experience, when it is approached from a mindful perspective. 

 Take a piece of dark, rich organic chocolate.  Make sure you are sitting to do this.  (not leaning over the kitchen sink)  Peel the wrapper back slowly and take a deep breath..

Break off a small piece and place it on your tongue.  Let the flavor begin to fill your mouth with rapture.  Slowly chew it and let your awareness be on the sensations, taste and motions.

As the chewing progresses, and the chocolate begins to break down in your mouth, take another deep breath.  You must truly savor this bite as it melts in your mouth before you have another bite.

Make this process a mindful meditation and you will understand what it means to be one with the chocolate.  Do this with all your meals and you will be in full control of what you eat, and how much and when you are sated.  It is when we are “unconscious” that we inhale our food, only partially chewing- to fill that void in our lives.

Honor your hunger and be sure to taste the flavors.  Learn to wait for foods that will nourish your body and nurture your soul, rather than reaching for the quick fix.  Bless your food and give thanks for it.  Breathe- and good eats!


Please share your own experiences and or challenges when it comes to conscious eating!

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