"Do. or Do Not...There is no Try..." ~ Yoda
Yoda might be onto something here...
One of the most common complaints I hear is: "I keep trying to turn off my brain to meditate and I can't."
Ever have someone say to you, "Calm down! Will ya just try to relax?" Are you able to do it? What's your typical reaction? If you're like most people, you tense up even more.
In my meditation classes, I always talk about the difference between "Try and Allow."
Trying has such a pushing and forceful energy to it; that we instinctively tense up. ~ I even say to people "TRY" to relax your shoulders.... but when I say. "ALLOW all of your muscles to soften and relax," it has a more fluid quality and a gentle feel.
To me there is an energetic difference between the two words.
On a deeper level; we all want to have an easy peaceful life, but some of us are just not wired that way. Maybe our upbringing or social conditioning has instilled in us that desire to push through any discomfort so as not to appear weak; has become so embedded in our being that we ignore what is really pulling us.
Here's the good news:
My feeling is that it is all about releasing attachment. Once you let go of the "pushing to make it happen" and come into acceptance of where you are; it lets the Universe know that you are unattached to the outcome and can deliver it when your energy is more relaxed. Perhaps you've had this happen: I remember as a younger person, waiting for a phone call from a certain young man or a job that I wanted. (This was years before the advent of cell phones, texting, and immediate gratification). I remember pacing by the phone, waiting for it to ring. Nervously wringing my hands and waiting for seemed like an eternity. Then, I would feel that "pushing" energy and would get myself to relax and focus on something else...As soon as I did that...the phone call would come.
A few years ago, I was about to close my store, wasn't making enough sales to keep it open. So, I put my attention into creating other sources of income; and lo and behold; more sales starting happening in my existing shop. Once I had let go of the "pushing" energy of "trying" to make it happen; I was able to the "allowing" energy to enter.
Here's my suggestion to you~
Be mindful of how often you say "I'm Trying!"...and notice how your energy feels. Catch yourself in the act; and then make a conscious effort to "allow."
Give yourself permission to live in the softer energy of allowing....
It's time to approach life with a new mindset! You don't have to prove yourself to anyone...
Remember to Take Your Peace With You! ~love, cathie
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That’s so true, Kathleen about the energetic power behind our words…. Have fun as you ALLOW yourself to flow through life!
Our words are infused with energy and feeling. Thank you for pouring out the energetic difference between trying and allowing. I will allow myself to go with the flow!