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A recent talk at a local library-(see picture) led me to a fascinating discovery:

Humans are an interesting bunch.

Most of us spend many hours, many days and many years in thinking mode.

We think of what has happened to us, or what will happen.

The human brain ruminates, plots, plans, worries, and dreams up many “what if” scenarios. 

Wouldn’t you like to get to a point where you are running the show of what your brain thinks about? 

What if you were able to take a big step back from the mind chatter and to sort out what is important and what is distraction?  How would you feel about being able to make decisions from a clear and calm center? 

Wouldn’t you like to be able to command your ability to get things done, have wonderful relationships, manage time better and honor yourself?


Ask yourself the following questions:

IF you could make one change to relieve stress in your life- what would it be?

HOW often would it be?

WHAT prevents you from doing it?

WHAT thoughts or actions strengthen you?

LIKEWISE what is draining to you?

WHAT makes your heart sing?  (think of one or many!)



As a Transformational Life Coach, I help people to learn the time management skills so they can approach life with more ease and joy!

I teach them how to reduce the stress so they can become more in flow and bring balance back into their lives.  

Here are some :   TIPS AND STRATEGIES


1) ACCEPTANCE- Make peace with where you are. You can’t change the past and worry about the future creates anxiety.  Coming into acceptance will help you allow what is- and from that place, you can begin to make the changes in your life.

2)  GOING WITHIN– Take the time (10 minutes at least). Schedule this time for yourself as you would anything in your life and devote to meditation.  Even if it means putting on peaceful music and sitting still.  Allow whatever thoughts to come up and focus on the breath.

3) GOING OUTSIDE- No matter the weather, take a few minutes and go outside. Take a deep belly breath of the air and take a brisk walk.

4) MINDFULNESS- During your day- stop yourself and observe your thoughts.  The mind is very powerful and can be useful when you learn to observe the lines of thinking.  Remember, Fear and Worry are energy drains.  When you catch yourself in the moment- you can instantly calm down.

5) BE A CONSCIOUS CREATOR- When you are faced with a situation in your life, envision it fully solved.  Create the solution from the higher self- and feel yourself aligned with the outcome.

6) BREATHWORK- Stop at times during your day and inhale deeply!

7) LEARN TIME MANAGEMENT SKILLS- Every morning, write out 3 of the most important things you need to accomplish that day. Do one task at a time and fully focus on what is in front of you.

8) REMEMBER- YOU ALWAYS HAVE A CHOICE  Every minute of every day…consciously choose the highest vibrational path!

9) DO SOMETHING NICE FOR SOMEONE. Offer to help, smile, donate, etc.

10) SEE THE BIGGER PICTURE Ask what’s really important about this situation.

11) RELATIONSHIP TO THE SELF IS NUMBER ONE  What is honoring to self is honoring to everyone else.

12) AWARENESS OF YOUR EMOTIONS. Not judging good or bad, just being aware.

13) LOVE IS THE HIGHEST VIBRATION OF ALL Stay tapped into the heart and fill with love


IF you're ready to kick overwhelm to the curb and want to create a life filled with light and joy; come on over to : and grab your free gift! 

You'll be glad you did!  


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