Spring Clean Your Mind Series- Part II

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“Clearing clutter; be it physical, emotional, mental or spiritual--brings about ease, and inspires a sense of peace, calm and tranquility.”

~Laurie Buchanan, PhD


Is it really MID-APRIL?


Is it just me, or are we in a time warp?


I don't know about you, but I can barely remember January....or

February, ...or....


But that's okay, because we are in a powerful time - and I'm learning how to harness the power of these energies.




Last week, I began the "Spring Clean Your Mind" series- and we started with the first principle and that is

#1- Believe in yourself.


This week, I want to focus on

#2- Clearing Clutter


This is such an important part of our journey-

because clutter is an energetic weight that holds us down!



I also learned that clutter represents un-finished business

and that it serves to drain our energy every time we look at it,

or go into that room, closet or drawer.



JUST for this week, think about an area in your home (car or office) that has been nagging at the back of your mind.


You've been putting it off because it's too overwhelming to think about- yet it is pulling your energy down.


The key is to approach it in manageable bites.

For instance, I take 1 drawer, 1 table top, 1 corner at a time.

When I do that, and work for a quick 10 minutes; I feel a sense of accomplishment- and that is what works for me.


When we focus on these tasks one at a time; we help to clear the "clutter" in our brains and help to make room for more of the good stuff to flow to us!


Ready to make changes and need help with direction or the next steps in your life?

What ONE thing can you clear away?


Have a great week! I'm Celebrating YOU,

with so much love,



PS: It's important to believe in yourself and shine your light again.

If you've been playing it small and safe (and I understand these past few years haven't been easy for many); now is the time to get BACK ON TRACK, reclaim your power and live to the true reason you were put on this earth.

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