Lately I've been speaking with people about how to manage stress or anxiety. Things seem to have been amped up in the Universe and it's been causing us to look deep within.
For myself, I find it necessary to take a few minutes in the morning to sit quietly~
Since the word "meditation" causes more anxiety in people (oh...the irony); I prefer to call it "sitting."
It's easier than you think, but it does take PRACTICE, PATIENCE and KINDNESS.
If you want to check out some cool resources...1 article and 3 self-study courses you can learn on your own!
Keep reading!
Here's an easy article I think you might like: Take Your Peace With You ~ 3 Easy Steps to Access Inner Peace
Did you know that I have several Self-Study Meditation Courses; where you can learn how to access your inner peace? In just a few minutes a day, you can learn how to "sit" and just be. The benefits are amazing and you will learn how to tame the monkey mind. BUT~ it does take practice.
Click on each link below to find out more:
ENTER INTO STILLNESS~ Learn to meditate in 21 days with our Step-by-Step Guide
GATEWAYS OF INSPIRATION~9 Ways to Access Your Inner World
UNDER THE OAK~ Musings and Meditations e-book and audio meditaitons