February 2018~ It's the Season of LOVE!

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DIVINE LOVE is all we really want and need~

“Life is always changing; we are always changing. We live in a river of change, and a river of change lives within us. Every day we’re given a choice. We can relax and float in the direction that the water flows, or we can swim hard against it. If we go with the river, the energy of a thousand mountain streams will be with us, filling our hearts with courage and enthusiasm. If we resist the river, we will feel rankled and tired as we tread water, stuck in the same place.” ~Elizabeth Lesser – Broken Open

This month is all about the heart. Opening to the waves of divine LOVE that are flowing through the universe right now, it is time to remind yourself to tap into this flow. It can be easy to fall back into the old ways, and to go into default mode- as we have lived that way for so long. It is important to stay vigilant about how you feel in any given moment.

With the recent planetary alignments, shifting consciousness, a new surge of hope, and countless other factors- what’s an ordinary human to do?
There is no question now that we are in the midst of radical changes. We are feeling them on an individual level, in community and on a universal scale. Humanity is riding the wave of change and our task is to be aware. Even when life gets intense, the best we can do for ourselves is to remain aware of our conditioned responses to what goes on around us. This awareness is key and will lead us to make conscious choices to set ourselves free from the old- this old keeps us bogged down.

“Awareness leads directly to understanding.” A dear friend shared this with me and it is true. Although, sometimes I try to control my life and certain aspects of it, when I truly let go of the drama and expectations, I do find peace. This letting go is difficult for so many- but we know that holding on simply makes it more difficult. Learning to flow on the path leads toward freedom. The key is to REMEMBER. Remember to Breathe, to Love yourself, to be peaceful and to just BE.

We are purging so much old stuff right now- so keep reminding yourself that this is a release. Try not to get caught in the releasing energy- simply allow it to pass. We move forward as One! Together, let’s let our lights shine!

Peace and Blessings to all,


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  • cathie on

    Thank you so much Kathleen!! I love to hear how these reminders are so helpful for you!

  • Kathleen Bart on

    Your weekly posts are a labor of love! I look forward to them every week… they give me a little lift and inspiration for the week.

    This week’s reminder to breathe, practice self love and just be was a reminder I needed to hear. Thanks, Cathy!

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