Calmness of the Mind

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"Calmness of the mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom."

~James Allen


Did you know that one of the most frequently asked questions I get is,

"How do I calm down my racing mind?"

or another variation:

"My brain is all over the place, so how do I find peace of mind?"


If you find yourself nodding at these questions, you're not alone.


We are being bombarded with so much external noise and input, it's hard to know what to focus on.


I'm super excited to present a new course coming in January (details to follow in the next few weeks) to help you walk with

Power, Peace, Purpose and Presence

that will change your life in profound ways.

Stay tuned for upcoming announcements or leave a comment below.



For now, I leave you with this:


Here's a cool visioning exercise I like to do with my clients....


Grab a journal and let's go!


When your brain is on overload and you have fifty things you are trying to attend to at once....






Take out a piece of paper and write everything down.

All the things you need to take care of. Do a "brain dump."


Now, take a look at your list and pick the top 3 things that you can do in the next 24 hours. For larger items, sometimes it helps to break things down into smaller tasks. Looking at the larger list, ask what tasks can you delegate?


Most of all, listen to how you speak to yourself.


Many people I know aren't very kind or compassionate with themselves. Are you one of them?

Many people I speak to say that they know what their blocks are~ but they still can't seem to get out of their own way

Just for today, notice your self-talk- and begin to flood your energy with self-compassion.

You've got this!



I LOVE to help people make peace with themselves

so they can quiet their minds,

and live more fully from their hearts- to walk with Power, Peace, Presence and Purpose.





Yesterday, I ran into a coaching client who told me that our work together has brought her back to finding her joy. She was so excited about the progress she's made in the past weeks and couldn't wait to tell me about it.

Don't walk this path alone, find the support you need- Life is all about connecting and living from the place of joy within.


Wishing you a great week

love, cathie




💥PS: Try this 8 minute meditation! It's my free gift to you -

Click HERE===>8 Minute Meditation


Ready for a deeper level ?

Try this low cost 21 Day Meditation Training: Click HERE


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