Have We Lost The Art of Listening?


“The more we listen, the more there is to hear.”

 ~The Tao of Music

What is your relationship to the still, small voice inside of you? Do you listen to it often and heed its message?  Can you differentiate between the voice of wisdom and the nagging, critical voice?  How do you know the difference? 

The art of listening is lost to many of us.  The noise of society, life and progress, drowns out the subtle voices of intuition, and heart.  How can we hear the sounds of our inner world when so much is going on around us? More importantly, how do we listen so that we hear the space between the notes?  The subtleties of life are lost with the din of the surface mind- and when we reconnect with the spark of light within, we can hear so much more. Our higher guidance system, the GPS so to speak, is our hearts telling us which direction to take-and where to avoid the wrong turns. 

There is much we can do to reconnect with this inner realm.  Making space in our life for the voice to be heard is the first step.  Not so easy, for some of us, there is so much that clamors for our attention.  The first signal is when we feel out of alignment, or out of balance.  We are dissatisfied with the way things are- and even if we can’t quite name it- the sense of un-ease remains.  We find it difficult to function, feeling restless, unhappy and bored.  But, imagine for a moment a life where everything flows with ease?  Even the difficult moments in life are met with a pervasive sense of acceptance.  Can you imagine embodying a peaceful and calm demeanor? Our life is a reflection of our inner core and how close we live to our values.  Every person has a set of values that are unique to them.  We can’t presume to know what makes another person tick, but getting to know ourselves is a life long journey that can be very fulfilling.  What is important to you?  Is it community, making a difference, family, independence, adventure, joy, peacefulness, security, or something else?  When we are aligned with our core values, decisions are made from a deeper place. Decisions are made easily when we identify what values are important to us.  Our lives then take on deeper meaning. 

We can hear other’s words, but can we truly hear what they are saying?  Try this next time you are in a conversation with someone.  Listen closely to hear the space between the words.  Don’t focus on what you are ready to say next, but see if you can hear a need or sense of something waiting to be heard in their voice. Also, become more conscious of your thoughts.  Being aware of the space between the thoughts and allow this space to settle in your consciousness.  By doing this, you will become more mindful of your inner world and the things you value most.  Remember to listen more to the call of your heart!

All Heart LOVE,  cathie


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