“Our only job is to be an example of a life that is working.” ~Marianne Williamson
This quote touches me deeply. The more we look into our own lives as they are in this moment, the more we are able to make the changes necessary. Part of the coaching training that I’ve been involved in has taught me to look at my life from all angles and come into acceptance for all. When you examine all aspects of your life, you can see where things are not working as well what is working. This is all about truth- telling the raw truth to yourself is the key to moving forward. Said differently, it is when we accept where we are in this moment, that we can move toward that which we desire.
Have you ever had the luxury of completely dwelling in your heart? If so- how did it feel? When you are conscious of your inner world- you live more fully within the rhythm of your heart. How can you continue to excavate your inner world to find more of the gold within? We know that anything that is not of the light, will be brought up to the surface for us to look at and examine. And, then it is up to us to own it and then release it. These are the steps to freedom.
How can you dig more deeply into the treasures of your heart and what is the thread you use to weave the fabric of your life? Is it made of trust and faith, together with optimism and gratitude? And, is this fabric woven together with the golden strands from the depths of your soul? Seeing this as opportunity to stitch a new foundation, what is it that you want most in this time? A sense of peace to cover you like a blanket?
After all that we have been through- isn’t it nice to know that we can depend on ourselves? Not to overstate things, but it is our inner landscape that means the most. What is your inner world like in this moment? Are you filled with trust and peace? Are you weeding away remnants of discontent?
It is when we disengage from the outer drama that we can find a true sense of peace. Our thoughts can run amok and we can get swept up in the frenzy. Choose to honor your heart and choose to dwell there more often. Clean up your inner world- get to the cobwebs in the corners of your soul. Do the excavation, and as you do, your consciousness expands. Be grateful for all the treasures in your heart. Surround yourself with all that uplifts and expands you. Get back to your groove and feel the rhythm of your soul. Enjoy the job of your life- and may you find contentment and courage to move ahead.
In Joy, Cathie
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