The Final Act of Robin Williams


The Final Act of Robin Williams~

What have we learned? That maybe the heights of his comedic genius were equal to the depths of his despair…

I don’t know anyone who isn’t touched by the tragic death of comedian Robin Williams~ his lightning fast humor, quick wit and serious roles spanned decades of a brilliant acting career.

For me, the only ray of hope of this tragedy will be to illuminate for many the seriousness of the disease from which he suffered. There is such stigma attached to mental illness~ that many find ways to hide it and to keep it in the dark. They try to numb the pain or sadness with behaviors such as drugs or alcohol~ so as not to feel to feel the depths of despair.

The human condition is to experience both the highs and the lows of life~ it is how we ride through the waves that will determine the quality of our lives. Not everything in life is “light and love”…life can be icky, painful, messy as well as beautiful and joyful and a whole lot in between. Life is meant to be experienced- in all ways.

When we teach mindfulness, we teach people to be aware of the present moment; and that means to acknowledge the sadness or despair when it comes up. Although, we promote a healthy lifestyle with meditation and holistic living and inner awareness; there are some people whose body chemistry benefits from medication~ and some outer assistance.

What have we learned from this tragedy? Hopefully we have learned to have compassion for those in our lives who suffer from depression, bi-polar and many other forms of mental illness. Spend some time today; (and every day) reaching out to others who need a compassionate hand, or even just someone to talk to. I have seen firsthand how this disease can ravage not just one life, but the lives of those left in the wake of destruction.

Maybe the heights of his comedic genius where equal to the depths of his despair…We can never know the demons one is fighting- maybe our own role is to act from a place of compassion within our hearts.

Take a moment and reach out~ if you need help; there are resources for you. Nothing is as futile as it seems in the moment. Have compassion~ Everyone is fighting a battle we know nothing about…..

Namaste~ Cathie

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline~ 1-800-273 –TALK (8255) Call is free and will be answered by a trained counselor. There is always hope, there is always help!

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