The Gift of Emotions 🎁

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"Emotions are energy in Motion"

~Wayne Dyer   



This week has been somewhat of an emotional roller coaster for me.


In the early stages of the pandemic, I called it "spiritual whiplash"


You know the feeling: One minute you're feeling peaceful, powerful, positive; and the next moment you're drained, exhausted and powerless.


For me, that feeling was back again and I have to say

 at times it was vastly uncomfortable.

And, some of my clients have been feeling the same way too...


So here's how I managed these E-Motions


✔1) I let myself cry 


✔2) I journaled about what I was feeling and asked myself the deeper questions like,

"What am I actually feeling?"

"What's behind that feeling?",

"What am I yearning for?"

"What am I ready to let go of?"

and the biggest one: 

"What am I resisting?


✔3) I came into acceptance and sat with the discomfort.


✔4) I took a long walk in the woods and focused on the beauty of nature

(got me out of my head)


And then, like magic- I was back in my power again.

And, that's the GIFT 🎁





See, that's the thing; many well intentioned folks will tell you to get over it, give it over to G-d, let it go, and "it is what it is"- and while there is truth to some of it; it doesn't allow us to have the full HUMAN experience. 

(that's called "Spiritual bypassing and it's a thing)


I believe that when we full hold ALL of our E-Motions (including the icky ones) it gives us the ability to transend them so we can move forward.


In other words:

Hold your emotions with tender and compassionate arms.


Lately, my clients have been having breakthroughs once they learn this- 


It's important that we are seen, heard and understood.

and finding the right support is PARAMOUNT


So I ask you, what uncomfortable feelings do you need to acknowledge?



Have a great week filled with LOVE, PEACE, JOY




🔥PS: Ready to let go big time? But ready to do it right with extra support?

If you've been feeling wonky, out of sorts and feeling off the rails; 

Try our self-study class to "Get Back on Track"

it's only $47

You'll LOVE the feeling of getting back on track!


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