Mindfulness Meets Real Life — Newsletter
July 2024- It's Finally HERE!
AFFIRMATIONS Giving Back Gratitude Inspiration INSPIRATIONS life coaching Master Your Energy Mastery Meditations Mindfulness Motivation New Product Newsletter PRODUCTS Services Shop News Transformation wellbeing
“The two most powerful warriors are patience and time." ~Leo Tolstoy Happy July! 🌞🌞🌞 It's finally here! And it required both patience and time! What is "it?" I'm super excited to announce that the book I've been talking about for months now is finally live and available on Amazon! Check it out HERE It's called "Walk with Power, Peace, Presence and Purpose: The Ultimate Guide to Stop Living on Autopilot and Start Living From Your Soul" ✨✨✨ .=>How it started <= After years of working with many people, I lost count of the number of people who said to me that they wish...
Nourish Your Soul- Weekly Reflection for Inner Peace
AFFIRMATIONS Giving Back Gratitude Inspiration INSPIRATIONS life coaching Master Your Energy Mastery MEDITATION Meditations Mindfulness Motivation New Product Newsletter Purchase with a Purpose Self-Study Course Services Shop News Transformation wellbeing
“Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.” —Saint Francis de Sales ✨✨✨ This week I want to talk about How to Nourish Your Soul and some reflections for inner peace. You may remember a few months ago, I told you I'm writing my latest book... It's called: Walk with Power, Peace, Presence and Purpose. Your guide to stop living on autopilot and start living a soul aligned life ✨✨✨ I...
Your Path to Peace
AFFIRMATIONS Giving Back Gratitude Inspiration INSPIRATIONS life coaching Master Your Energy Mastery MEDITATION Meditations Mindfulness Motivation Newsletter Self-Study Course Services Shop News Transformation wellbeing
“Every breath we take, every step we make, can be filled with peace, joy and serenity.” —Thich Nhat Hanh. 🦋🦋🦋 Your Path to Peace! One of the greatest things I get to do is to help people to live more fully from their hearts. To live authentically. Although it is not an easy path, it is the one that brings the greatest rewards. My clients say it best: "Catherine has a wonderful gift that she has skillfully developed. Her simplicity and power is a rare combination. She has a beautiful way of letting...
Soulstice Time
AFFIRMATIONS Giving Back Gratitude Inspiration INSPIRATIONS life coaching Master Your Energy Mastery MEDITATION Mindfulness Motivation Newsletter PRODUCTS Self-Study Course Services Shop News Transformation wellbeing
“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time.” ~ John Lubbock 🦋🦋🦋 Happy Summer Soulstice! Do you feel differently? I ask this because I want you to think about where you were a year ago. Are you feeling more peaceful, joyful and in harmony? If the answer is "YES" then ask yourself "what's changed?" If the answer is "NO" then ask yourself "what needs to change."? 🔥🔥🔥 ...
Inspiration and Shop News!
AFFIRMATIONS Giving Back Gratitude Inspiration INSPIRATIONS life coaching Master Your Energy Mastery Mindfulness Motivation Newsletter Self-Study Course Services Shop News Transformation wellbeing
"There are difficult periods that are inherent to a path. It's not a sign of things gone wrong." -Sharon Salzberg 🦋🦋🦋 Exciting News! Last week, I told you that I was working on obtaining a small space for Reiki / Life Coaching and I'm happy to announce it's OFFICIAL! Located in Glen Cove, I'll be doing in person Reiki and Life Coaching sessions again on a much more regular basis. Since I closed my store in 2018, I've had to navigate working out of other spaces- and while my coaching practice is still mainly on...