My Happiest Moment(s)

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“The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things.”

~Henry Ward Beecher




When were my happiest moments in life?


As much as I want to say the big events,

like getting engaged, then married, my first house, having my kids, moving to NYC 30+ years ago,getting a job at Bergdorf Goodman,

becoming a

Graduate Gemologist/Reiki Master/Sound Healer/Transformational Life Coach-


Ummmm, not so fast.

It's not quite it...


When I think about it,

although they were certainly happy times

but each of those (and other watershed moments of my life)

were fraught with a boatload of stress, anxiety, fears and all kinds

of other unwanted emotions.

You might say, Happy but....




I've been thinking about true Happiness lately- and came to the conclusion that I've been happy in my life at some really simple times.


Like that time we went hiking in the Great Smokey Mountains

and stopped to play in the stream (for hours)


That time I went to the East Village and found a hole in the wall

coffee shop and had the most outstanding pastry.


That time I drove through the Tetons and marveled at the beauty all around me.


That time I sat with my friends and laughed so hard that my stomach ached.


This past Christmas, a quick visit to see my 86 year old mother in NJ, then being in Maine with other family.


And, those are just snippets of my well lived life-


BUT, let's go deeper.


There are also those times that I'm happy


I see crocuses popping up at this time of the year.

Crawling into my bed at night after a long day

My first sip of coffee. Every. Day. ☕

Helping others to believe in themselves

Creating a special piece of jewelry


Oh, I could go on, but I think you get the point.


Now I ask YOU.


When were your happiest moments?

Take a few minutes and jot them down.


You might be suprised as I was to find out that

they are not the big, life changing events-

but are the

SIMPLE, MEANINGFUL, sometimes SMALL things

that bring JOY to our every day.


It's NOT the outside things that make us happy,

Happiness is an INSIDE JOB!




Take it from my recent client:

 "Speaking with Catherine was like talking with a long time friend; the conversation was supportive and her questions come from a genuine place of positivity and healing. It was a reminder for me to be as kind to myself as she was to me. Self care is important now more than ever and before any transformation can take place, I have to first allow myself to be open to self love and self care. That is the first step on a journey of a thousand steps- knowing my “why” and being kind to the layers of protection that served a purpose is key. Thank you, Catherine!"  ~JMS








And, although I do believe that we all have our answers INside of us-

there are times when we do need OUTside support***

to help us get through life challenges.


If you've been feeling a bit wonky, disconnected or

are having difficulty-


Let me help you find your way-

Click on the link below to learn more



Have a great week filled with HAPPY!



PS: Learn more how to Transform Your life, begin your journey HERE

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