Count Your Blessings- November 2021 News

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“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. it turns what we have into enough and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. ”  ~ Melody Beattie                                                                                       🌹🌹🌹
So here we are.                                                                                                                
November 2021.                                                                                                               
I don't know about you, but I can't believe it's November already-                                      
This month is all about flowing with gratitude – and the vibration of gratitude.
We are continuing to shed so much of the old, re-visitng old issues, and continued digging deep- that we will surely get to the golden essence at the core of our being!
Living more as our authentic selves, we make our choices based on what feels right to us, not what others think or what we think we are supposed to do.
Our decision making process is evolving to a state where we combine discernment, awareness, and love to sift through distracions.
This is all about staying very clear- in our emotions, thoughts, energy field.
Being very mindful of our creative process at all times will help to manifest a more abundant life.
We know that focusing on beauty and gratitude, will bring more of that to us. Conversely, the energy that goes into worry or fear will create more of that …
My Personal Story:
As you read this, I'm currently in PA at a Spa, teaching a class on 7 Steps to consciously create your life with Joy- using intentions, mindfulness, and other hacks
When I return, I'm going to put together a series of lectures, (gasp- a podcast?) to feature all of my teachings.
In the meantime- I wanted to share this with you: (she just signed up for another package of 3 sessions)
"When I first came see Cathy, I was feeling spiritually bereft, depressed, anxious, confused, scattered, and was having tail bone pain.  NOW, I am calmer, hopeful, invigorated, more clarity & focus, inspired, spiritually awakened, absence of tailbone pain.  
Cathy is gifted. Her talents have helped me tremendously, in 3, short sessions. I’m coming back for more. 
Excited & grateful!" ~JoJo 
So, I ask you this:
Do you want more clarity and focus? (and so much more)

Are you ready to get "Back on Track?:

Imagine you had someone who stood with you; held you up, guiding you, walked beside you as you took your next steps forward, didn't judge you, met you exactly as you are...
Imagine what that would feel
to HAVE a customized plan to help you through the rest of this year.

That's what "Get Back on Track" coaching is all about.

Think of it as a jumpstart to your future of meaning, purpose and clarity.
It's like a laser-beam designed to pull you out of the mud; and get back on track with a clear path forward.
If you've been feeling a bit wonky lately, off the rails, or general feeling out of balance- please reach out to me!                                                                                     
I'm HERE to support you!!                                                                                           
And remember,
=>Today is the day to build the tomorrow you want.<=

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