Don't be like Sisyphus~ Here are 5 Ways to Get Into FLOW

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Ever have one of those days, weeks or even months where things just aren't running right? Too much to do, too little time. Not focused on the things you do want; barely the energy to do the things you need. 

You feel like you are spending your days just getting stuff done; but not spending the quality time doing what you want. Too much to do; not enough time to get it done.

Balance is sometimes over-rated; we just need to be able to take a step back and re-focus our energies before moving forward.  

What if I told you that it's possible to get off the treadmill of never-ending activity- and take back control of your life? 

Do you know the story about Sisyphus the Greek who was condemned to rolling a boulder up the hill, only to watch it come back down again? He had to repeat this action over and over again for all eternity.   A recent client told me that was what her life was beginning to feel like- and she felt that she was losing her footing.

Does your life feel like that?

It's time to say, "ENOUGH." 

Here are 5 Ways to get back into FLOW and to become more productive. (with recommended crystals) 

1) BREATHE~ Remember that your breath is your Power! It is the first thing you do when you come into this world, and the last thing you do when you leave.

Angelite Bracelet

2) RECONNECT~ Bring your awareness back into your heart and ask yourself what you need in this moment?

 Rose Quartz Heart

3) FOCUS~ Important to focus on what you do want. (not what you don't want) 

Gems of Wisdom Crystal Kit~ Clarity

4)  ALIGNMake sure your actions are aligned with your intentions (ex: if you want to be healthy, then do things that are good for you)

Amethyst Power Bracelet~ All purpose healing stone


5) RELAX~ Take time out and go for a walk, listen to music, do anything that takes you out of your routine.

Power of Three Bracelet Set~ Chill and Be Still

 I'm always INspired to help people get back into the flow and to once again be in control.   love, cathie

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  • cathie on

    Hope you are finding the suggestions helpful, Kathleen! Sometimes it is tough to get off the “treadmill of never-ending activity”

  • Kathleen on

    Thank you for this reminder, Cathy! I have been in Sisiphus Mode lately.

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