10 Ways the Divine Dining Can Change Your Life!

10 Ways that Divine Dining Can Change Your Life

I AM so excited about this program! I've been teaching the Divine Dining Method since 2008- and it's helped so many people to transform their eating habits! But you must act fast. 

I have now overhauled the entire program and it now includes a 21 Day- Step by Step workbook to help you incorporate Mindful/Conscious eating into your life. The program also includes membership in a secret FB group, where I'll be offering extra support!
If you want to add your name to the list to receive updates and information, click here: http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/d.jsp…

If you are ready to say YES, Sign me UP! Click Here:


Here are some of the many benefits that will positively influence your Body, Mind and Soul!  Make the shift to the Divine Dining Program to transform your life!

  • Supports your efforts to slow down in a busy world and re-connect with your  heart center.
  • Teaches you to be more mindful of the wonderful and healthy food that you are choosing to nourish your body.
  • Activates a healthier and more balanced digestive process.
  • Helps bring conscious awareness to the energy you put into the act of eating, and encourages you to eat your food with love and gratitude
  • Transforms the way you view food and how you choose to eat
  • Assists in honoring mealtime as a special and sacred event. (even if you dine alone)
  • Encourages you to be in full control of your eating (limits overeating!)
  • Increases your awareness of the full range of your emotions and other triggers
  • Deepens your conscious connection to where your food is sourced from and how it was prepared.
  • Aligns you with the wisdom of your body and helps you to enjoy the foods you love. (teaches self-compassion)

 YES!  I'm READY to Sign UP:   https://www.kajabinext.com/marketplace/courses/4532-divine-dining

Divine Dining- Jewels of the Lotus a division of Living Lotus Group Please feel free to share or distribute as long as proper credit is given. 

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