Quality is Job One



“I am an artist… I am here to live out loud.”  ~Emile Zola 

What are you painting on the canvas of your life?  What is the quality of effort you put forth in your creations?  Do you create with bold broad strokes or very small tentative ones? Now is the time to examine how you are living your life and to release that which no longer serves. Remember that Quality is Job One!

Ask yourself these deep questions.

Does your life reflect who you truly are?  And how long have you kept yourself small and hidden?  What soul quality is waiting for you to shout out to the world?   What soul qualities would you like to see more of in your life?  Would you like to embody the quality of joy, love and peace?  What other qualities can you name – and what is stopping you from living from this space within the heart?  Conversely, what are you doing in your day to bring in those qualities?  In other words- if you want to bring in more joy, then do the things that bring you joy. Sounds simple, but we are so distracted- that we spend our time and energy just chugging along. 

What if you want to bring in more LOVE?  An admirable desire, but first you must do that which resonates with the vibration of love. 


When you choose- consciously- to change your life for the better, it is important to embody the traits that bring in a higher vibration.  This takes diligence in the thought process and awareness of how our brains can work.  When you think about it, we all want to follow our hearts, -but the brain gets in the way.  The critical voices can shut us down before we ever get out of the starting gate.

It’s the New Year, so begin now!  What is it that you desire for your life?  Align your thoughts and deeds with what you want- and let go of the negative and old tapes that have been on re-play. 

When we recognize that there is so much more to living this life on auto-pilot, we become an active participant in the creative process.  We are all on this journey together.  Help to make it a smoother and brighter one!

Remember to focus on the Quality of your creations.  It is your Number One Job.


Enjoy–            cathie


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