21 Keys to a more Peaceful Life~

One of the questions I get asked the most, is "how do I stay Peaceful when the world is falling apart?" Remember, that you are what you consume- Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually.  It's extremely important that we stay out of the negative fear vibe that is out there.  Everywhere we look the media is filling us with a daily diet of pessimism and gloom.  Almost too much for an optimistic like me to bear.

Make no mistake:  The world is getting more chaotic in response to the imbalance within her. It's up to us to stay balanced within ourselves, and to hold the highest vision.  

One thing I do know - is that we focus on the negative, more negative appears.  Think of this scenario:  You have a bad start to the morning; your car won't start, you spilled coffee all over, the printer jams up as you're trying to print a document you needed for work. So, you say to yourself- "This is such a crappy day!  What else could go wrong?"

I don't need to tell you the rest of the story, do I?  There will continue to be an unleashing of unfortunate events.  By the time you stumble into bed, you reflect back and say "this was the worst day ever."

Let me give you a re-frame.  Think of this: You spill your coffee- you take a breath and you clean it up.  The car doesn't start- you take a deep breath and decide what to do.  The printer jams, you take a deep breath and you move on.  

Understand that the only thing we can control is ourselves and our energy. Trying to make sense of the larger issue at hand is overwhelming.  So.....What can we do?

Manage ourselves. 

21 keys to happiness:

1)     Own your power
2)     Know that you are the master of your creations
3)     Your relationship to self is the most important one
4)     Know that you are always protected
5)     Take time for yourself every day.
6)     Lovingly parent your inner child
7)     Know that we are all ONE
8)     Practice non-attachment
9)     Keep your faith in GOD (The Universe, Spirit, Creator)
10)  Every interaction is an opportunity to heal
11)  Practice Forgiveness
12)  Look for the positive in all situations
13)  Strive for balance
14)  Practice Peace in all areas of your life
15)  Become a Spiritual Warrior
16)  Live with Integrity
17)  Be humble and live simply
18)  Have a Compassionate Heart
19)  Be non-reactive
20)  Live consciously
21)  Be  the embodiment of Spirit On Earth


 I am so passionate about helping people to re-connect with their hearts! 

I'm very grateful to all of you!   ~cathie

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  • Cathie on

    Thank you so much, Matt! My favorite Mindfulness exercise is to simply sit and be the witness to my breathing, and observing my thoughts without judging. Not easy at first, but that’s why they call it “practice.”

  • Matt OGrady on

    Beautiful. Truly.

    I especially liked this quote: “The world is getting more chaotic in response to the imbalance within her. It’s up to us to stay balanced within ourselves, and to hold the highest vision.”

    I recently said something very similar to a client. We must become responsible for our own energy first, once we do that what we see in our lives changes. Mindfulness does so much for that practice, focusing, sensing, relaxing, watching, noticing, feeling, being. Its truly poetry in motion or in stillness. :) Great piece, keep them coming.

    Cathy, whats your favorite Mindfulness exercise?

    - Matt, mattogracycoaching.com

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